This page last changed on Mar 09, 2006 by [email protected].

Tag - createLink


Creates a link that can be used where necessary (for example in an href, javascript, ajax call etc.)


  • action (optional) - the name of the action to use in the link, if not specified the default action will be linked
  • controller (optional) - the name of the controller to use in the link, if not specified the current controller will be linked
  • id (optional) - The id to use in the link
  • url (optional) - A map containing the action,controller,id etc.


Example controller for an application called "shop":

class BookController {
     @Property defaultAction="list"
     @Property list = { [ books: Book.list( params ) ] }
     @Property show = { [ book : Book.get( params['id'] ) ] }


Example usages for above controller:

<g:createLink action="show" id="1" /> == /shop/book/show/1
<g:createLink controller="book" /> == /shop/book
<g:createLink controller="book" action="list" /> == /shop/book/list
<g:createLink url="[action:'list',controller:'book']" /> == /shop/book/list

Example as a method call in GSP only:

<a href="${createLink(action:'list')}">my link</a>

Results in:

<a href="/shop/book/list">my link</a>
Document generated by Confluence on Mar 29, 2006 08:46